We are professional
4PERSON company focuses on providing professional services in search of human resources. We have come with various innovations and changes at standard market supply that lead to a more efficient search of the most suitable candidates.
Personnel campaigns
We do not find common applicants for you but we create personalised campaigns to find the best fit for your specified positions. Our priority is the quality, not the quantity of selected candidates.
Professional diagnostics
Our services include a Personal-Professional Diagnostics Test. This determines the working behaviour, skills and personality of the candidates and thus easier classification for a suitable position.
Personal cooperation
Our company will show you the advantage of a personnel agency and our team of professionals will always recommend the best solution for you. Our clients range from family-based and middle-size companies to corporates. An integral part of our work is generated from repeated trade with our satisfied clients.
We offer
- Our experience and KNOW HOW
Based on our long-term experience in the labour market we offer our KNOW HOW and skills that we continually improve according to the actual demand and the latest market trends. - Availability of our services
Our services are offered at various levels. The Basic level is accessible to a wide number of clients with a low budget, Plus and Premium levels are extended campaigns for middle-sized and larger companies. In the case of repeated trade we will offer a price and quantity discount. From the second contract onwards you will automatically get a customer discount or bonus. - Credibility
We work continually on improving and extending our services and building the trust of clients in our quality service. The number of returning clients and repeated trades is the clear evidence. - Professionality
We have been providing our services for long time at a high professional level. Thanks to our wide net of databases we achieve the best results. We offer you a carefree recruitment and we believe that you will always come back to us.
Robert Lazna

Ing. Marlen Laznová